Fnac-Darty collects product data necessary for referencing and enriching products in its own data structure from its suppliers. Fnac-Darty and its suppliers expand their ranges, optimize time to market, and improve the sellability of products.

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1,000 suppliers

Key points


Optimize the referencing process, improve user experience and enhance operational efficiency.


Digitalization of referencing, deployment of 1,000 supplier portals, integration of connected systems, and use of the GUPT ERP.


99.2% efficiency in referencing, savings in online publishing time, ergonomic interface, and scalability of data structures.


Digitalization of the Process:
Creation of an exchange space for 250 people between suppliers and distributor, with a major challenge of reducing the internal HR workload related to product referencing.
In the context of a merger:
Complexity of merging IT systems, involving a multitude of various tools, including 2 ERPs and 4 PIMs, and numerous sales channels with the challenge of rationalization.
Collection of data and their formats:
Strong need for rich data due to specialized categories and the constant renewal of ranges (e.g., DIY, laptops...). Facilitated integration to complete the data.
Ergonomic deficiency:
Lack of agility and quality in web rendering, especially for managing, proposing, and collecting rich formats (video, audio, images, etc.) with appropriate filters.
Product screenshot
Product screenshot


Digitalization of the referencing and enrichment processes towards two converging systems for Fnac and Darty.
Deployment of 1000 supplier portals to accelerate and ensure reliable data entry, thus integrating seamlessly with the existing application landscape with agility.
Integration of connected systems, such as SAP Hybris via ETL and IBM InfoSphere, to ensure efficient synchronization.
Use of the internal ERP, GUPT, for integrated management of the company's resources.
Scope of data covering B2B, B2C, and the media sector domains.


99.2% of references processed through the optimized process.
Possibility to make data structures evolve(faceted navigation, search, features) according to business needs.
Use of Product-Live as an ergonomic data entry interface in their PIM front-end (IBM).
Savings of up to 15 days in the process between listing and publication.
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